Tuesday, June 4, 2013

$3.50 Napkin Pillow Tutorial

Time for a DIY project.....a napkin pillow! Most of you know I love pinterest. I mean you can seriously find anything on there. Today I was just bored because I'm not in school, I haven't started my job yet and my husband was working. So...I decided to make a pinterest project. We had some old pillows that I was just going to throw away but then I thought there has to be something I can do with these! So my search on pinterest started. I found a post for pillows made out of cloth napkins..here is the post I found no sew napkin pillows . So with that I started my mission. I went to TJ Maxx and found a set of 4 Ralph Lauren cloth napkins for $5. I bought one pack on the napkins and then stopped by Wal-Mart to get the no sew sticky hem (yes I HATE wal-mart but there really isn't anywhere else to go in the town where I live and it was right next to TJ Maxx). When I got home I started putting the pillow together. I didn't take long and I think it looks good (remember that I am not a seamstress so what may look good to me might not look good to people who know what they are doing)
The Tutorial----it's actually pretty simple but I'll give a tutorial anyways
The Supplies for 1 pillow
2 cloth napkins
Peel and Stick Hem
an old pillow (not pictured)
Step 1
Iron your napkins. I did not do this step at first and had to go back and do it. It's a lot easier to go it at the beginning. I ironed it when I had already attached one side, it's lot harder that way. (Please excuse the mess behind the iron we are in the process of moving! and yes I need to clean my iron!)

Step 2
Attach the peel and stick hem to all three sides of one napkin. This is another thing that I would have done different. I would have attached one side at a time. 

Step 3
Peel the backing from the hem and stick the three sides to the other napkin. This part may seem easy but it's not, you have to take your time and make sure that everything is even. 

Step 4
Now that you have the napkins together with the three sides even, it's time to use your old pillow. Cut the top off of the old pillow and pull out the the insides. The inside will look like this.

Step 4
Pull the insides of the old pillow apart and stuff them into the "new pillow". There's really no rhyme or reason to this step, just pull and stuff until the pillow is full and it's not too lumpy. 

Step 5
Put the peel and stick hem on the fourth side to close your pillow. And now you have a new pillow. 
Total Cost $3.50 per pillow! and it's a Ralph Lauren pillow since I used Ralph Lauren napkins!

My pillow! it doesn't look as good because I used my  cell phone, but  they look really good in person. 
Pinterest pillows...apparently a professional photographer took this picture!

Good luck making your own pillow!

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